What You’ll Need to Worry about in the Near Future


What will the next couple of years look like at your firm? Before answering that question, let me list my assumptions: that you are competent, that you are not working in one of the very few areas that is not doing well, and that you have entrepreneur’s disease.

If you’ve had your head down just getting things done, you may not have realized how well advertising, design, public relations, and interactive firms are doing these days. With very few exceptions, principals are finally getting back to the point where they can be pickier about what clients they work for.

Not picky enough, though, as many of you would rather sell your firstborn than say “no” to opportunity. So some things are already happening, as you stand passively by. Even though things haven’t been this good since early 2001, let me take just a few minutes of your time and provide some friendly advice about how to manage the next two or three years so that you continue enjoying it. We’ll start by talking about three things you’ll likely struggle with, followed by some suggestions in three specific areas.

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